

The Financial Economics MeetingPost-Crisis Challenges (FEM-2019), jointly organized by the EDC Paris Business School, University of Carthage (IHEC Carthage),  University of Tunis (ISG de Tunis), the University of Montpellier, and EAE Business School (Spain)under the patronage of the Mediterranean Association of Economics and Finance (AMEF) will take place on 21-22 December 2019 at the Hotel MAGIC Hotel AFRICANA (5 Stars) in South Hammamet, (Tunisia). 

In the last twenty years, several periods of turmoil (the internet bubble, the subprime crisis, sovereign debt, etc.) have shaped the financial and economic system. Many regulatory policies, such as Basle 3, have been introduced to overcome further crises and scandals. In addition, monetary policy has experienced a transition from conventional to unconventional frameworks in both industrialized and emerging economies. For instance, turning to hedge and diversification of portfolios, commodities markets have attracted increasing interest. More recently, new forms of money have been introduced, such as virtual money (Bitcoin, among others), leading to a new bubble that might affect financial markets. These changes have influenced governance features at both macro and micro levels. Therefore, calls for more ethical and sustainable standards in finance and economic spheres have been growing since 2007. 

The current call for papers invites authors to submit proposals mobilizing different approaches to analyze the macro and micro effects of these changes on the financial and economic system. We cordially invite academics, practitioners, and policymakers no later than September 15, 2019





Dr Jean-Francois Boulier, chairman of Af2i, France.

Jean-Francois Boulier is chairman of Af2i, the French association regrouping institutional investors. Prior to that, he was CEO of Aviva Investors France for 10 years. He joined Aviva Investors in 2008 and had several positions:  CIO in Paris, then CEO in Europe and Global CIO for Fixed Income. Between 2002 and 2008 he was heading Euro FI at Credit Agricole Asset Management. He started his career in finance in 2007 with Credit Commercial de France where he headed the Research and Innovation department, then the Market Risk Department and then became CIO of Sinopia asset management and deputy CEO. Polytechnician and Doctor in Fluid Mechanics, he was a researcher at CNRS in Grenoble. He is honorary chairman of AFFI as well of AFGAP. He is the founding and current Editor of Bankers Markets and Investors. He is (co) author of three books.


Ephraim Clark  

Professor Ephraim Clark, Middlesex University, UK.

Ephraim Clark (PhD and Doctorat d’Etat) is Professor of Finance at Middlesex University. He has taught at EDHEC Business School, the Catholic University of Lille, HEC Paris and Vrije Universitat. He is a highly regarded seminar leader and speaker and has delivered keynote speeches to groups such as The French Finance Association, Arthur Andersen Consultants, GARP, ISDA and Euromoney Plc.  Clark is the author of eight books and over one hundred academic and professional papers in journals such as Management Science, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Financial Research, Garp Risk Review, Euromoney, Revue Banque, among others. Honours and awards include numerous research grants and best paper awards. He serves on the editorial boards of a number of scholarly journals and is the founding editor of the European Journal of Finance and Frontiers in Finance and Economics. He has been elected as president of the Multinational Finance Society, president of the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas, vice-president of the International Association of Finance and Banking and is currently the vice-president of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics(ISAFE). He is also a member of numerous professional organizations and is a permanent member of the Académie Européenne.


Professor Dr. M. Kabir Hassan, university of New Orleans, USA

Professor Dr. M. Kabir Hassan is Professor of Finance in the Department of Economics and Finance in the University of New Orleans. He currently holds two endowed Chairs-Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, and Bank One Professor in Business- in the University of New Orleans. Professor Hassan is the winner of the 2016 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance.  Professor Hassan has over 342 papers published in refereed academic journals. Professor Hassan has also been cited as one of the most prolific authors in finance literature in the last fifty years in a paper published in Journal of Finance Literature. His publication record puts him among the top 5.6% of all authors who published in the 26 leading finance journals. He is among the top 5% authors according to number of Journal Pages at RePAC/IDEAS. Professor Hassan is the 2019 recipient of University of Louisiana System Outstanding Educator, 2019 Life-long Research Achievement Award, and 2018 UNO Nick Mueller International Leadership Medallion Winner and 2019 UL System outstanding Educator Award. Professor Hassan is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Associate Editors of International Journal of Emerging Markets and Review of International Business and Finance. 

Khaled Hussainey

Professor Khaled Hussainey, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Khaled Hussainey is a Professor of Accounting & Financial Management at the University of Portsmouth.  He has published more than 100-refereed papers in academic journals and international conference proceedings.  He has a rapidly growing research reputation around his principal research area concerned with corporate narrative reporting. He has been awarded the prestigious 2007 Best Paper Award of the British Accounting Review for his paper “Loss firms’ annual report narratives and share price anticipation of earnings” and the prestigious 2012 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Risk Finance for his paper “Revisiting the capital structure puzzle: UK evidence”.  His publication appears top-quality journals such as Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, International Review of Financial Analysis; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting and Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of JFRA and Associate Editor of JAAR and IJAAPE.  


Program co-chairs

Pr. Zied Ftiti (co-chair), EDC Paris Business School, Paris, (France)

Pr. Hassan Mzali (co-chair), University of Carthage, IHEC Carthage, (Tunisia)

Dr Ouidad Yousfi (co-chair), University of Montpellier, Montpelier (France)

Important deadlines

Submission deadline

October 15, 2019

Notification for review results

October 30, 2019

 Registration deadline

 November 15, 2019 

Conference event

December 21-22, 2019










Publication Opportunities

Special Issue in the Journal "Bankers, Markets & Investors", ranked CNRS & FNEGE: "Uncertainty and Changes in Financial and Economic Systems".  Guest Editor: Pr. Zied Ftiti 


Special Issue in the Journal "Global Finance Journal", ranked ABDC"Islamic Finance issues". Guest Editor: Pr. Kabir Hassan. 



Special Issue in the "Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting", ranked ABDC "Accounting information in modern society: Do ethical issues matter?". Guest Editors: Pr. Neia Boulila & Pr. Zied Ftitii.  















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